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Youth Records Learning Activity 1

Read the stories below and think about whether the names of the youth may be published. Consider why or why not. See the answers below.

  1. John, age 16: Arrested and charged with aggravated assault. He is awaiting trial.
  2. John, age 16: Found guilty of aggravated assault and sentenced as an adult 
  3. Sam, age 15: Suspected of committing several violent robberies and still on the loose. Police are concerned she will commit more assaults and robberies if not found. 
  4. Jasmine, age 12: Witnessed one of the robberies Sam alleged to have committed. A reporter interviews her and wants to put Jasmine’s name in the article as a witness.
  5. Jules, age 13: Jules’s “friend” finds out Jules was arrested for shoplifting and makes a social media post mentioning Jules’ arrest.
  6. Jules, age 21: Was arrested for shoplifting when they were 13. Writes a social media post about their experience with the justice system.




  1. No, John’s name should not be published, no exceptions at this point to justify the publication. 
  2. John’s name can be published now that he has been sentenced as an adult. Publication is allowed when the court imposes an adult sentence. 
  3. Might be published as Sam is a danger to the community. If publishing her name and photo will help locate her, publishing may be allowed for up to 5 days. 
  4. The reporter is not allowed to publish Jasmine’s name as the YCJA also bans publishing the identity of young witnesses to crimes committed by other young people. 
  5. The social media post may not identify Jules as someone arrested for a crime. Posting on social media counts as publication under the YCJA. 
  6. Jules is over the age of 18 and not in custody when they write the post so they have the option of doing so. 
Last Reviewed:
Dec, 2022
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